The role of the accompanist for a choir requires someone with pretty unique talents. First and foremost they must of course be an excellent piano player, able to play almost any piece straight off because conductors have this habit of suddenly wanting to try something new! Secondly they must be a mind reader so they know from where to start playing when the conductor says “we’ll just go again from there”, and, thirdly, they also need to have a good choral ear so they can hear which of the eight (or more!!) parts is struggling and need their notes played a bit stronger.
Since its formation, the Dalkeith Singers is very fortunate to have had accompanists of the highest calibre – Lionel Jackson, Sheila Arran, Lenora Godwin and Donald Thomson.
We are delighted to welcome Katya – Kateryna Perepechaeva-Myrcheva to the choir as our new accompanist.